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PREPARE for Parole

Phase 2 of the PREPARE Program

PREPARE for Parole – empowering every incarcerated Marylander to present complete, accurate information to the Parole Commission

This phase of the program consists of – first of all – a set of materials which are targeted to incarcerated Marylanders with less than 18 months until a parole hearing. They include the following:

  • Guidance on Preparing a Parole Packet 
  • Prepare for Your Hearing
  • How You Can Support a Parole Candidate (for supporters on the outside)
  • When You’ve Been Refused Parole (if a client is refused)
  • Life Sentence Flyer (info on parolable life sentences)

PREPARE for Parole materials may be downloaded from the Parole Materials page of this website by family, friends and engaged citizens who wish to assist loved ones. Hard copies of the materials have been placed in all prison libraries of Maryland facilities from which people go up for parole.

Beyond the materials, the PREPARE for Parole phase of the program entails direct advocacy. This is currently available in-person in MCIW and via workshops and correspondence in some men’s facilities. The longer term goal is to make direct advocacy available throughout Maryland, but right now in some facilities it is only the materials which are available. 

When a PREPARE parole advocate is working directly with a client they assist that person in putting together an accurate depiction of their life before the crime, what happened, and what they have done to change. While the process of packet development may vary based on the amount of time left to the hearing, the client’s circumstances, and the client’s specific needs, and where the client is housed,  PREPARE direct advocacy follows a similar path and provides the same documents and services, tailored to the client’s needs. 


Guidance for developing a parole packet

The Parole Packet includes:

PREPARE assists the client with: