PREPARE for Success
PREPARE employs peer recovery specialists who provide reentry coaching services for our clients when they are released. Anyone who has participated in any phase of the PREPARE program can enroll in PREPARE for Success and receive ongoing support for their transition.
PREPARE for Success services include:
- Connections to a reentry coach who can guide them through the reentry process. Any time the client needs coaching, they can reach out to their coach
- Continuous follow-up with the client to make sure the reentry plan is successfully implemented and fill any gaps in the process
- Ongoing peer support, new referrals, and connections whenever needed, recording the client’s needs and progress on a Self-Sufficiency Matrix at periodic check-ins
This portion of the program is designed to help men and women being released have a smooth integration back in to the community. Once released, a Reentry Coach will begin following up with him/her to make sure they remain connected with community support and resources. Should a need for additional support arise, the Reentry Coach will use PREPARE’s network of providers, community contacts and their own lived experience, to help them manage those challenges. Prepare for Success Offers:
- Follow up support
- Peer Mentoring
- Goal planning