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PREPARE receives funding from the Maryland Governor’s Office

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The Maryland Governor’s Office for Crime Control and Prevention selected PREPARE as a recipient of support from the Performance Incentive Grant Fund (PIGF). That fund was established from savings resulting from reforms under Governor Larry Hogan’s Justice Reinvestment Act (JRA) which was signed into law in 2016. The focus of the JRA was to safely reduce the prison population through evidence based programming.

PREPARE was selected for a grant running from January to June 2022, which was specifically focussed on infrastructure building. PREPARE’s parole materials are a product of that grant, as is its Salesforce based database to support our case management as well as our ability to track and measure the program’s success.

PREPARE was then selected for a second PIGF grant. This one enabled us to increase our staffing, including bringing on a cohort of returning citizens to drive forward our mission.

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PREPARE receives funding from the Maryland Governor’s Office

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