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Anne Bocchini Pack

Anne Bocchini Kirsch

Anne Bocchini Pack

Co-Founder and Director of Advocacy

Anne co-founded several lasting programs during her incarceration. She worked with Second Chance for Women and University of Maryland Law to create the still-operating EaRS (Empowerment and Recovery Support) program for domestic violence survivors, converted the Celebrate Recovery program to distance learning to keep it going through the COVID pandemic, and facilitated a number of existing programs such as AVP, Legal Writing, and several 12-step rograms. She volunteered with the D-Wing drug program, tutored GED and Goucher students and was a mentor in the Peer Recovery program. She started helping women build parole packets in 2017, an endeavor that ultimately led her to collaborate with Maryjoel Davis, Elizabeth Finne, and Jacqueline Ahn in the creation of PREPARE. When she moved her office to the outside of the fence in 2022, she was at work the next morning as PREPARE’s Director of Advocacy.

Anne is a proponent of collaborative and restorative justice who believes all people are capable of change and that successful reentry begins at intake, regardless of the charge or sentence. She has faith that the correctional system can provide meaningful rehabilitation and reentry support to everyone through partnerships with other state departments and community partners, and that this work will improve outcomes for individuals, communities and public safety. Her vision is a synergistic process to develop personalized recovery plans, reduce systemic barriers and maximize utilization of existing resources. She continues to do her part to make it a reality.